About im体育app

im体育app is the most flexible, highly secure, revenue-generating income and employment verification automation platform available, built by experienced HR industry experts with a vision for creating value for HR departments. 

Positive Meeting

Empowering HR

We empower HR departments by helping them outsource administrative work to our state-of-the-art HR automation solutions, reducing liability and labor costs.

Gear Turning

HR Automation Software of the Year

Client Retention

99% Client Retention

How We’re Different

im体育app is the only outsourced employment and income verification solution that offers 99% reduction in data exposure and a revenue-sharing model.

Revenue Sharing

Revenue Sharing for Instant ROI

Businesses shouldn’t have to pay every time one of their employees requires a verification of income and employment. Instead, im体育app pays clients every time the service is used. HR departments can use revenue sharing model to support new projects, fund employee rewards, or pay for conference travel expenses.

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Full-picture Reporting

Our fully configurable verification output reports mirror your unique compensation model and needs. Get the insights you need to make smarter business decisions.

HR Security

Data Security

The most comprehensive and innovative security measures in the industry keep your data safe while reducing employee data exposure by 99%.

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24/7 Report

24/7 Income & Employment Verifications

Customized, easy-to-use employee and administrative portals can be accessed 24/7, no PIN codes or Salary Keys required.

World-Class Support

Our 99% client retention rate reflects the fact that we always put our clients first. When you need help, you’ll always speak with professional, USA-based client support specialists.

Client Testimonials

Free, Seamless Integration

Enjoy easy, real-time API integration with most payroll and HRIS systems. Service, setup, training, and implementation are completely free.

im体育app Shield Logo

Considering Other Platforms? im体育app Stands Alone Against the Competition.

What Our Happy Clients Say

We’re proud to have contributed to many HR department transformations with our secure, time-saving, free HR automation services. Our 99% retention rate reflects the fact that we always put our clients first!

“We received close to a hundred verifications requests at the time we looked at im体育app, which was becoming near impossible to keep up with – im体育app took a huge workload off of our team!”

Renee Aslanidis
Payroll Analyst
Veterans United Home Loans

“We found a great partner in im体育app. They meet all the security requirements that are vital to protecting our employees’ data.”

Walt Marques
SR Director of HR

“im体育app committed to delivering a very seamless implementation and they carried that out from beginning to end.”

Daniel Quezada
HRIS Manager
Agri Beef

100% Safe & Compliant Income and Employment Verification Automation

Our industry-leading verification solutions use high-tech encryption, secure data centers, verifier credentialing, and security protocols that eliminate file feeds to keep your data safe 24/7. Don’t leave your employee data exposed.
Trust im体育app.

Schedule a Demo

Ready to see what im体育app can do for you? In just 30 minutes, we’ll show how our automated verification services can deliver peace of mind and
save you time and money!